Meet the 20 Year Old Marketing Genius, Luke Lintz.

Business & Success
3 min readDec 29, 2019


Luke Lintz

Serial entrepreneur, Luke Lintz, is the founder of HighKey Holdings, an umbrella company for a host of other companies. Highkey Technology Inc. is an innovative brand that assists the general public in acquiring futuristic technology. Apart from this, Highkey Agency Inc. also helps high-level individuals grow their personal brand with modern growth strategies.

Standing out in the industry

Together with his brother and business partner, Jordan Lintz, Luke has created thousands of eye-catching pieces of content across all social media platforms.

Weekly, they grow tens of thousands of followers, and within a year, they upload hundreds of videos for the company. Through consistency and proper planning, they were both able to acquire a broad social media presence and make contact with potential customers.

They built a good number of relationships with high networth individuals after launching HighKey Agency Inc.

It was a plus for them as they found themselves swimming in the same pool as high-level real estate investors, real estate agents, and were able to grow the social media accounts of business-people sitting on the high table.

This network that they had found was what really took their business to the next level. One of the people that Luke had met was Stefan Aarnio. After working together for several months, the two quickly became friends. As a result of Stefan’s broad experience, he was the perfect fit for a mentor and contributed to aiding the development of Luke’s skillset.

Facing and Overcoming Obstacles

Overspending on inventory with a product that had not received verification in the market was one of the mistakes that HighKey Technology Inc. came across in the year of 2017. In the space of two years, this very mistake cost the company a hundred thousand dollars.

Another set back came from the pre-sale of the new version of their wireless earbuds. It seemed to go smoothly at first as the sales were looking stable until their supplier delayed production by a month. This left them with unhappy customers demanding refunds, and it cost them tens of thousands of dollars.

Luke took all the blame for these setbacks that had occurred. He decided that it was not best to focus on what had happened or why it had happened, and he sat up with his team, looking for ways to fix the problem.

A part of their mechanism for dealing with the problems included creating room for short term failures. One of the ways that they implemented that was depriving themselves of pay when they lost a lot of money at the budding stage of the company growth. This meant that they lived under their parent’s roof with no money.

Company profile

There is HighKey Technology Inc, where they sell consumer electronics such as wireless earbuds, speakers, and charging backpacks all across the globe.

HighKey Agency Inc manages social media accounts for personal brands. Here they deal with content strategy, content creation, and PR, which enables growth on the social media platforms.

HighKey Clout Inc allows the purchase of followers packages on social media platforms like Instagram. These followers are obtained through celebrity giveaways that have a high USA follower base.

Plan for growth and success

Luke plans to grow by being a magnet for the best talent. He also has plans to open a real estate company within the coming years, and within five years, he plans to build a software company. The building of these businesses would actualize his ten years long goal of purchasing a private jet on his thirtieth birthday.

Source of motivation and Words of Advice

The goals that he has are his source of motivation. Luke has daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly goals that he looks back on constantly to get him back on track. He always looks to his ten-year goal and uses it as a way of reverse engineering his smaller goals. In his words “Just think, and you will grow rich.”

It is essential to try out as many things as you possibly can, and once you find the one thing you enjoy, become great at it.



Business & Success

Passionate interviewer sharing insights from successful influencers, entrepreneurs, and businesses to empower others in their pursuit of success!