Meet Jordan Lintz and his million dollar HighKey empire.
Jordan Lintz is a 23 year old marketer and networking genius who scaled his e-commerce business HighKey Technology, to seven figures in just under three years! He also started up a social media agency named HighKey Agency, and hit 6 figures in 3 months, as well as an influencer management company, HighKey Clout, and hit 6 figures in 1 month.
What makes HighKey Companies different within the industry?
Jordan is only 23 and has already established great connections in the industry. He is aggressively chasing the next social opportunity. He is spending an average of 12 hrs a day developing his network on his phone. This type of commitment to the future state of the internet and especially social media will drive all HighKey companies very far with sustainability.
What does HighKey offer customers/clients?
HighKey Technology provides high-quality consumer technology at an affordable price. As for Jordan’s other companies, all clients of HighKey are very pleased with the social services received! “We are experts in social media branding and display it with our notable clients (@stefanaarnio, @claytonmorris, and @rickycarruth).” — Jordan
What exactly does the 3 HighKey companies do?
HighKey is at the beginning stages of building an empire. HighKey Technology Inc. is an E-Commerce company with over 400k followers on Instagram!
HighKey Agency is a full-service social media management company that specializes in stellar content creation for high-level real estate investors and agents.
HighKey Clout is an influencer management company specializing in celebrity influencer giveaways to scalably grow clients followers on Instagram.